Important News

Parent Teacher Conferences March 10

Parent/teacher conferences are scheduled for March 10. In order to schedule conferences, you will need to login to HCPSS Connect. Click on "Conferences" in the navigation window to the left to access your child's conference schedule. HCPSS Connect will open to schedule conferences on March 1 and the program will be open until March 8. Reference guides are available on the HCPSS Connect website if you need help. If you have any further questions, please call the front office at 410-313-7117.

AP Exam Registration

Registration for the 2017 AP Exams will begin Wednesday, February 8th. All students planning to take an AP exam are required to register via Naviance. To register for the exams, students must log into their individual student Naviance accounts and respond to the 2017 AP Exam Registration & Fee Waiver Request. Students who do not plan to take the AP exam should not complete this form. The survey is only accessible from student (not parent) accounts, and is located on the About Me tab of their Naviance home page.

Earl Slacum scholarship opportunity!

Do you know someone who attended Rockburn Elementary School and is now a senior in a public Howard County high school? If so, please encourage him/her to apply for the Earl Slacum Award - a $500 scholarship named after Earl Slacum, the first principal of Rockburn Elementary School and an outstanding educator and leader in Howard County. The Rockburn PTA offers this scholarship to a former RES student who is pursuing a post high school education. Deadline is April 15. For more information, visit

Message from the Health Room

Please note, Health Services indicates: With a temperature of 99 degrees F without symptoms, the student should be allowed to rest and if no symptoms appear, student should return to class. With a temperature of 99 degrees F or above with symptoms, the student should be allowed to rest and the parent/guardian should be contacted to report the degree of fever and presenting symptoms and possible discharge home. Students with a temperature of 100 degrees F or higher, with or without symptoms, should be sent home and not returned to class. For students to return to school, they must be fever-free and not have been treated with medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen for at least 24 hours.

PTSA Advanced SAT Prep Class

Classes being Feb 22 for the March SAT test date and will be every Tuesday and Thursday through March 9th from 3-5pm. Register online:

Northeast Region winners of the National Scholastic Arts Awards!

The Visual Arts Department is thrilled to announce the following Northeast Region winners of the National Scholastic Arts Awards. The Gold Key winners will advance to the national awards competition. These awards will be announced in mid March. Please congratulate the following students:

AP Student Celebration and Assembly

Congratulations to all of our students who took AP tests in spring 2016 and especially those who achieved the distinction of becoming AP Scholars! On February 8 at 9:20am there will be an assembly in the LRHS auditorium for current AP students and last year's AP scholars. Parents are welcome to attend and see their student's celebrated. The purpose of the assembly is both to acknowledge the success of our students in AP classes, and to share information with students about registering for the test this Spring.

Ignite the Light, Friday February 3

On February 3, LRHS will be hosting our second event titled Ignite the Light during fifth and sixth period. This event, designed in collaboration with students and faculty at LRHS, invites any student who wishes to engage in a “town-hall” style discussion on matters such as marginalization, diversity, and inclusion on a school and county-wide level. As part of our time together, we will also be outlining ways we can be more inclusive as a school community. Students interested in attending will have the opportunity to sign up this week (Monday-Thursday) during lunch.

The Road to the Future: LRHS College Planning Night

Presenters from University of Maryland College Park, Howard Community College, and Stevenson University Topics: The 4-Year College/University Admissions Process Writing a Successful College Application Essay Financial Aid College Entrance Exams (SAT/ACT) From Honors Programs to Career Paths: A Variety of Reasons to Consider The 2-Year College Technology Tools for College and Scholarship Exploration