Important News

SAT Mock Test

Because of the numerous request to offer a MOCK SAT prior to the January administration of the SAT another SAT mock test will be administered on Saturday, December 17, 2016 at 8:00 a.m. at Wilde Lake High School. Students registered for the January Administrations of the SAT should take advantage of this opportunity. The fee for the mock test will be $10 (cash). There will be no refunds for those students who miss the test. The test is open to the first 100 students who register.

Band Fundraiser

A Long Reach High School Band fundraiser is scheduled on Wednesday, December 7th from 4:30 pm to 9 pm at Pasta Blitz on Rt 108 near Eggspectation. Bring the attached flyer and they will donate 20% of the proceeds to the Band. It's good for both dine-in and take-out.

Student Services Workshops during Lightning Time

Starting Wednesday November 16th, Student Services will be offering student focused workshops during Lighting Time. Lightning Time is every Wednesday (9:00 - 9:30am) If you are interesting in participating in a workshop, please stop by Student Services and sign up with Ms. Quinn. You must get a pass to attend in advance so that you can show your teacher. Keep in mind there is a limited number of slots available for each session. We are excited to help you!!

ARL and November Half Days

Morning ARL students will be on their normal (ARL) schedule Monday and Tuesday November 21 and 22. There will be no PM students due to the half day.

STEM Career Day November 21st!

The LRHS Science Department will host it's annual STEM Career Day on Monday, November 21st. Professionals working in STEM related fields will speak with students about potential education pathways and careers. The speakers will discuss a variety of careers including engineering, medicine, biological research, forensic science, computer science, and more!! We are excited to have several speakers who are LRHS alumini.

Parent Teacher Conference Window Opens!

Parent/teacher conferences begin on Monday, November 21, 2016 and end Wednesday, November 23, 2016. The window to schedule conferences will open Wednesday, November 9 at 7:30 AM. Please keep in mind conference availability will vary among teachers, so plan accordingly.

OutReach Tutoring Update

OutREACH UPDATE: The following are the bus stops for the Tuesday-Thursday after school bus. Please be sure that your student knows which bus stop they should get off at. Stop 1: Montgomery Run Road (circle) Stop 2: Lark Brown and Old Waterloo Road Stop 3: Huntshire Drive and Meadowridge Road Stop 4: Ducketts Lane Elementary School Stop 5: Port Capital Drive and New Colony

HCPSS Field Trip to Argentina!

There is still time to join the adventure and Explore Argentina! Students will deepen their language skills, connect with the community and explore nature traveling to Buenos Aires, Tigre, Posadas and Iguazu waterfalls by signing up for Howard's Argentina spring break trip from April 7 - 17, 2017. The trip is geared to students with at least an intermediate level of proficiency in Spanish – Spanish 3 and above.

FBLA Fundraiser

Joe Corbi's Pizza Fundraiser is going on for the next two weeks. Help support The Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) by ordering from a member or ontact the FBLA advisor at for orders as well.