AP Exam Registration


Due to potential weather tomorrow, March 14th, the AP Registration deadline has been extended to Friday, March 17th. You may register until the 17th without penalty. After the 17th, late fees will be assessed to exams ordered.

Please note, if you have paid online, you are still required to turn your registration in to student services. You are not registered until you have done this.

Please contact me with any questions.

Elizabeth McConaghy




Registration for the 2017 AP Exams will begin Wednesday, February 8th.  All students planning to take an AP exam are required to register via Naviance. To register for the exams, students must log into their individual student Naviance accounts and respond to the 2017 AP Exam Registration & Fee Waiver Request.  Students who do not plan to take the AP exam should not complete this form. The survey is only accessible from student (not parent) accounts, and is located on the About Me tab of their Naviance home page. 

After completing the survey, students must review and print their responses which will appear under their survey history at the ‘About Me’ tab.   Students must deliver their printed survey result (signed by a parent) with their payment to Mrs. McConaghy in Student Services before Friday, March 17th to avoid late fees. Late fees will be assessed to each exam registration received on or after March 17th.


The cost of each exam is $93.   Payment should be made by check and/or money order, and made payable to Long Reach High School.  NEW THIS YEAR! Students may submit payment online at https://osp.osmsinc.com/HowardMD/Default.aspx (select High School>Long Reach High> AP Exams). *Please note payment confirmation number on your registration.

Students can apply for financial assistance by responding to the 2017 AP Exam Registration & Fee Waiver Request survey questions 11 and 12.  The application, which is on the AP Registration, should be signed by a parent and delivered to Mrs. McConaghy in student services. Please note: Students applying for financial assistance and/or scholarship cannot pay online and should see Mrs. McConaghy for more details.


AP Exams will be administered during the weeks of May 1-5, and May 8-12.  


Contact Elizabeth McConaghy Elizabeth_McConaghy@hcpss.org or 410-313-7412.