Parent Teacher Conferences March 10

Parent/teacher conferences are scheduled for March 10.  In order to schedule conferences, you will need to login to HCPSS Connect.  Click on "Conferences" in the navigation window to the left to access your child's conference schedule.  HCPSS Connect will open to schedule conferences on March 1 and the program will be open until March 8.  Reference guides are available on the HCPSS Connect website if you need help. If you have any further questions, please call the front office at 410-313-7117.

HCPSS Connect Parent Teacher Conferences Instructions

Parent-teacher conferences are an excellent opportunity for families to meet with teachers one-on-one and learn how their children are doing academically and socially. To make these meetings as smooth and stress-free as possible, follow these tips for conference preparation, execution, and follow-up.

Tips for Parent Teacher Conferences