Seniors: deadlines are fast approaching! The senior cruise is Wednesday May 16th. Seniors who paid their dues will be given a permission slip for the cruise. All students are required to meet at Long Reach by 5:00 p.m. to board the buses to the Inner Harbor. Students are NOT allowed to drive themselves or anyone else to the Inner Harbor. Busses will return students to Long Reach. The senior picnic will be on Thursday May 24th at Long Reach after the awards ceremony.
Looking for Summer Leadership and Service Opportunities for Middle andHigh School Students? Want to provide student feedback on HCPSS policies? All students welcome Wednesday 5/9 7:00-8:30pm at the Homewood Center 10914 MD 108 Columbia, 21042
Effective school year 18-19, Maryland State Department of Health and Mental Hygiene requires all incoming 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th grade students in the state of Maryland to have one Tdap and one Meningitis vaccine BEFORE entering school.
Tickets are being sold online now at and will be sold in the Atrium during all lunch shifts starting Monday, April 30th. Tickets are $10 and each guest must have his/her own permission slip/waivers signed. If purchasing online, you can fill out the forms online and sign electronically.
During the next few weeks, we will be testing for PARCC and HSA. Each of these assessments are either graduation, College and Career or course requirements. Students have been informed about when and where they should report for testing. Additional information regarding test groups and locations are located throughout the building.
As a step to enhance school safety, a front door entry system has been installed and activated. Please see below for important procedures related to visitor entry.
Do you know the difference between the SAT and ACT? Do you know which one you should take? If you said no to either of these questions, the Long Reach HS PTSA is here to help! The PTSA will be hosting a Kaplan SAT/ACT Combination Practice Test on May 5th at 9 am!