Important News

Free Shred Event for LRHS Football, April 28

Long Reach Football Saturday | 4/28/18 | 10 AM- 12PM Long Reach High School Parking Lot Bring your bags or boxes of paper recycling to be safely & securely shredded on site by “Eco Shred”.

LRHS Prom on May 12 at Martin's West!

Prom 2018 is at Martin's West on May 12, 2018 from 7pm-11pm Buffet and Dessert included Tickets on sale April 16-27 Tickets $70 Prom Guest forms due April 13th.

Music Booster's Chipotle Fundraiser, April 9

Music Booster is having a restaurant night at Chipotle (6181 Old Dobbin Ln) on Monday, April 9 from 4 pm to 8 pm. 50% of the proceeds will be donated to the Long Reach HS music programs to support the choir, orchestra and band activities. Show the flyer or tell the cashier you are supporting the Long Reach music. Sorry, no online orders.

PTSA Newsletter, March 28, 2018

The Next PTSA meeting is on Monday, April 9th at 7:00pm in the Student Services Center. We’d love to see some new faces and hear new ideas as we continue to support the LRHS students, staff, and parents. PTSA News

Long Reach Open Streets 2018

The Horizon Foundation is sponsoring Open Streets 2018 in Long Reach community on Saturday, May 5th from 1:00 – 4:00 pm. Think “street festival” with the inside lane of Tamar Drive closed off so people can safely bike and walk between the LRHS parking lot, and SJBC at the other end. At each location we will have music, food, and lots of family activities. It’s a free event!

Prom Guest Forms

Students wishing to bring a guest to prom MUST submit a guest form with all required documentation by the APRIL 13th. THESE FORMS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED LATE. The forms are available in the front office, before and after school and during lunch.

OutReach Session 3 Update

The third and final session of OutREACH will be held from March 20th-May 10th on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Students have the option of attendingAlgebra I Support, Algebra II Support, Government HSA Prep, English 10 PARCC Prep, or ELL HW Help (for English Language Learners).