Important News

2018-2019 Safe Driving Presentations

Permission for students to drive and park vehicles on school system property is a privilege, not a right. In order to be granted this privilege, students must obtain a student parking permit each school year, which requires students and parents/guardians to annually attend a driver safety session and to pay a $15 fee for the parking permit. Students must also comply with all school rules related to driving and parking on school property in order to retain this privilege. Session dates are confirmed early in the school year and may be adjusted as necessary. Students do not need to attend a session at their home school. Please confirm all dates and times with the host school prior to attending.

AP Physics Students

Let's get the brain warmed up for the fall with some Physics Phun! AP Physics 1 and AP Physics C-Mechanics summer introductory packets can be picked up in the counselors office daily between 8 am - 1 pm. Or you can download a copy here. Any questions you may contact Mrs. Neary at

New to Advanced Placement Classes Orientation, August 30

Does the thought of tackling your first Advanced Placement course make you quiver? Does the idea of taking numerous AP courses at once overwhelm you? Well then, it’s time to get into AP shape! The AP Team invites you to attend Long Reach High School’s 3rd Annual New AP Student Orientation. When: Thursday August 30, 8am – 10:30am. Where: Here at Long Reach High School - beginning in the Cafeteria

New Student Orientation, August 30th

Welcome Students New to Long Reach! Whether you are an incoming 9th grader or a student just starting at Long Reach in another grade, we want to invite you to join us for the New Student Orientation. When: Thursday August 30th 2018 from 8:00-10:30AM. Where: Long Reach High School - - starting in the auditorium. Parents are welcome for New Student Orientation. While students are visiting their classes, parents will remain in the auditorium for a question and answer session.

#OneHowardLive on Saturday, June 16 3:00-5:30pm:

#OneHoward Live is a storytelling/performance/speaking event that promotes diversity and inclusion in Howard County through the sharing of personal experiences. We have an AWESOME line up of speakers and performers! Students from Triadelphia Ridge ES, Thomas Viaduct MS, Atholton HS, Long Reach HS, and graduates from Glenelg HS, and the Homewood Center will be performing. In addition, teachers from Waterloo ES, Murray Hill MS,and Wilde Lake MS will also share their stories of diversity and identity. Adding their perspectives, community leaders, Honorable Judge Zwaig, and Community Superintendent Marcy Leonard will offer insight about leadership through the lens of diversity and equity.

Volunteers Needed: Junior Achievement of Central Maryland

We have been fortunate enough to be able to bring Junior Achievement of Central Maryland to LRHS on June 1st as part of our financial literacy unit in American Government. They will be running a personal finance simulation where students will create a budget based on a scenario. We are looking for a few volunteers to sit at a table and help students understand their options- for example one table is transportation. Options include purchasing a bike, taking the bus, purchasing a used car, purchasing a new car, etc. Students will need to look at their scenario and their budget and choose an option that fits with their particular budget scenario. The role of the volunteer would be to help students think through the pros and cons of each option. Follow this link to sign up:

Message from the Health Room regarding Seniors-

If your child is graduating this year and has medications in the health room, please contact the health room to arrange medication pick-up. The dates for medication pick-up for SENIORS ONLY will be May 21st, 22nd, 23rd, and 24th. Any medications left in the health room for any graduating senior will be disposed of per protocol. If you have any questions, please call the health room at 410-313-7416.

Pesticide Application- Long Reach High School

The purpose of this memorandum is to serve notice that the Grounds Service Department has scheduled a pesticide application for the Field Hockey field (Bermuda Grass). The date for the application is May 19 or 20, 2018. If unfavorable weather conditions or other extenuation circumstances arise, the intended pesticide application may have to be delayed or postponed to a later date. If the application cannot be made within 14 days of the original planned date a new notice will be issued. All precautions will be taken to insure the safety of students and staff however, state laws require that the following statement be included in this letter. The office of Pesticide Programs of the United States Environmental Protection Agency has stated that: “Where possible, persons who potentially are more sensitive, such as pregnant women and infants (less than two-years old), should avoid any unnecessary pesticide exposure.” A summary of the potential adverse effect of the pesticides is below. Copies of any Material Safety Data Sheet and/or label for any pesticide being applied may be obtained by calling the school office. Should you have any questions regarding your school’s application date please contact Greg Connor at (410) 313-2577. Question about pest management should be addressed to Mark Hardin (410)-313-7180.