Seniors: deadlines are fast approaching! The senior cruise is Wednesday May 16th. Seniors who paid their dues will be given a permission slip for the cruise. All students are required to meet at Long Reach by 5:00 p.m. to board the buses to the Inner Harbor. Students are NOT allowed to drive themselves or anyone else to the Inner Harbor. Busses will return students to Long Reach. The senior picnic will be on Thursday May 24th at Long Reach after the awards ceremony. This change was made due to calendar changes.
For those Seniors that are going on the dinner cruise, I (Ms. Avelos) contacted Spirit Cruises Baltimore to find out about their menu. I want to make sure that students with food allergies and their parents are aware of what will be served during the cruise. Please see attached. If your child has a food allergy that you are concerned about, please contact the Health Room at 410-313-7416. Have a great time!
Dinner Menu