Important News

New Student Orientation, August 29, 2019

Welcome Students New to Long Reach! Whether you are an incoming 9th grader or a student just starting at Long Reach in another grade, we want to invite you to join us for the New Student Orientation. When: Thursday August 29th 2019 from 8:00-10:30AM. Where: Long Reach High School - - starting in the auditorium

AP Orientation August 29, 2019

Now open to ALL AP Students... Does the thought of tackling your first Advanced Placement course make you quiver? Does the idea of taking numerous AP courses at once overwhelm you? Well then, it’s time to get into AP shape! The AP Team invites you to attend Long Reach High School’s 4th Annual New AP Student Orientation. When: Thursday August 29, 8am – 10:30am Where: Here at Long Reach High School - beginning in the Cafeteria

Reminder: Family File needs to be updated every year

HCPSS uses Family File for parents/guardians to complete emergency information. Parents/guardians must verify and/or update information for each child, and can do so by logging in to HCPSS Connect Parents new to the Howard County Public School System will receive a welcome email with instructions to activate an account. These welcome emails are expected to begin going out later this summer. Once logged in, parents/guardians will be asked to provide or update the following information:

Class of 2021 Information

The Class of 2021 is in the process of planning several great events/activities for our rising Sophomores – A School Ring Ceremony, The Prom, and a Moving Up Ceremony/ Picnic Day (once the seniors leave). We will be running several fundraisers throughout the year to help cut the costs of these events/ activities.

2019 Summer Meals Program

We are pleased to inform you that our 2019 Open Site SummerMeals Program will begin on Tuesday, June 25, 2019 and run through Wednesday, August 21, 2019. The program hours will vary from location to location. All children 18 years of age and younger who drop in at any of the sites may receive free meals. Parents or guardians do not need to apply to get these summer meals for their children.

HCPSS Summer School

For all of our students that will be attending Summer School, this is a reminder that both your Student Orientation and first day of classes are next Wednesday, June 26, at either Atholton or Hammond High Schools depending on the course you are taking. We wish you luck with your courses this summer and hope that you have a great experience!

Schedule Updates and Counselor Caseloads

HCPSS is excited to utilize online scheduling for the 2019-2020 school year. You and your child selected courses, and school counselors have met with students to review their course selections. Your student's scheduled courses for the 2019-2020 school year will be mailed home with their final report card.

Leadership Class & Grassroots

On Wed. June 12th the Long Reach Leadership Classes hosted Cathy Smith representing Grassroots Crisis Intervention in an effort to increase Mental Health Awareness. The project was undertaken to expand the cooperation between Long Reach and Grassroots, a provider of a long list of mental health services. Ms. Smith met our students in our atrium and taught our classes about available resources and talked with interested students and staff about a variety mental health issues. Our thanks to Ms. Smith for her commitment to Long Reach students!


From the Health Room- If your child has medication in the Health Room, you will be receiving a call within the next week from either the School Nurse or School Health Assistant in regards to end-of-the-year medications. We will work out a plan on when medications will be picked up and by whom. As a reminder, medications for the next school year 2019-2020 require a NEW medication order to be completed by your child's healthcare provider. New medication orders must be dated after July 1st. If you have any questions, please call the Health Room at 410-313-7416.