2019 Summer Meals Program

Childhood food insecurity remains at unacceptable levels across the country and children are most acutely at risk during the summer, when they do not have access to school meals. In 2015, about 3.8 million children received Summer Meals - far fewer than the 21 million children who receive free or reduced price lunches through the National School Lunch Program during the school year. This means that during the summer we are not reaching the vast majority of children who rely on school meals to meet their nutritional needs. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) operates summer meals programs to address this problem.

We are pleased to inform you that our 2019 Open Site SummerMeals Program will begin on Tuesday, June 25, 2019 and run through Wednesday, August 21, 2019. The program hours will vary from location to location. All children 18 years of age and younger who drop in at any of the sites may receive free meals. Parents or guardians do not need to apply to get these summer meals for their children.

SummerMealsProgram 2019.pdf 

Summer Meals FAQ's 2019.pdf