Message August 5:
Dear LRHS Community,
On July 19, I sent a message to our community to address inaccurate information in relation to the boundary review process that was critical of Long Reach High School (LRHS). Since then, we have received tremendous support throughout Howard County.
I would like to invite you to our first Restorative Justice Healing Circle this Thursday, August 8, at LRHS from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. During this time, we will come together to process what occurred and to focus on our strengths as a community moving forward. This is not a space to debate the current boundary review process. As we want to create a safe space for participants, please know that media will not be permitted.
In addition, for those interested, dinner will be available in our cafeteria at 5:30 p.m. So that we may plan accordingly, please RSVP (click here) no later than 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, August 8.
Joshua R. Wasilewski
Message July 19:
Dear LRHS Community,
As you may know, HCPSS is in the process of a system-wide Boundary Review. Recently, I was made aware of inaccurate information in relation to the boundary readjustment process that was critical of Long Reach High School. At LRHS, as is the case with every school in Howard County, we are proud of the community we have built where we support every student, removing barriers to success and providing opportunities to thrive.
Regardless of the outcome of this process, every student in Howard County will continue to have access to an excellent education. We are not a system of individual schools, but a cohesive school system with consistent curriculum, excellent teachers, and comparable opportunities at every school.
Transitions can be difficult but please know all HCPSS administrators will work with the Board of Education and Superintendent to provide necessary supports for our families who may be impacted by the boundary review process. There is helpful information on the HCPSS Boundary Review website that I encourage you to review.
While it is my hope that all stakeholders within Howard County practice respect and empathy in their advocacy; I also want to provide a safe space for our community to process and heal when instances such as these occur. In the near future, we will be working with our community partners to hold a series of Restorative Justice Healing Circles open to any member of our LRHS community.
I thank the parents and community members who have reached out to me over the last few days and appreciate our community’s strong support. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you feel the need to discuss.
Joshua R. Wasilewski
Long Reach High School