Important News

Music Boosters Fundraiser, 5/6/2019

On Monday, May 6 between 5pm and 9pm, get food at Chipotle at 6181 Dobbin Lane and support the LRHS music programs. Just tell the cashier you are supporting the Long Reach Music before you pay, and our music programs get 33% of the sales. See the flyer for details.

AP Exam Update

May 6 - 10 and May 13 - 17 are AP exam weeks. Students must be at their exam location by 7:15 AM for the 8 :00 AM Exam. Student must be at their exam location by 11:15 AM for the 12:00 PM Exam. Exams will be located in the portables. Students are to bring at least two sharpened #2 pencils, Two black or blue pens, Photo ID Prohibited in the testing area: Cell phones, pagers, PDAs, portable listening devices, clothing with subject matter.

After Prom Tickets are now on Sale!

After Prom tickets are now on SALE!! After Prom is May 4th from 11PM-3AM at Main Event – Columbia Mall. Tickets are $15 and are being sold in the Atrium during lunch starting Monday, April 29th or can be purchased now online by visiting

HC Drug Free - Life Skills Classes

Life Skills Classes for 9th and 10th Grade Presented by HC DrugFree April-May 2019 Beginning on April 30, HC DrugFree, in partnership with the Columbia Association Youth and Teen Center, will present Botvin LifeSkills Training, a free 10-session program for 9 th and 10th grade students. This life skills program is highly interactive, skills-based and designed to promote positive health and personal development.

HCASC Announcement

Leadership and Service Opportunity- All Middle and High School Students Welcome to attend the HCASC Meeting 4/10 7:00-8:30 at the Homewood School 10914 Clarksville Pike Ellicott City, MD 21042

Seniors Dues are Due...

ATTENTION SENIORS! Senior Dues ($65) are due April 30th. We only have 250 spots on the Cruise, it is first come first serve, so TURN IN YOUR SENIOR DUES ASAP! Senior Dues cover the Senior Cruise (5/15), the Senior Picnic (5/23), and a final class t-shirt. Online Payments are available otherwise please deliver cash or checks to either Ms. Borleis (rm. B116) or Ms. Skinner (rm. 348).

Class of 2021 Update

As you begin your spring cleaning please send any gently used shoes our way – Ends June 7. The Class of 2021 last fundraiser that began on April 2 is the Yankee Candle fundraiser. Students that sell 10 or more items will get some money off of their prom ticket next year. Order Packets are available in the front office. You can also order on line – go - enter 990063358 for the Group Number. Be sure to put your students name in so they get credit.

OutReach Session 3!

Do you need help to improve your grades in English 9, English 10, or Biology? Are you an ELL student who needs help any of your subjects? Do you need help preparing for the government HSA? If this sounds like you, then sign up forOutReach Session 3. OutReach Session 3 will begin on Tuesday, April 23rdand end on Thursday, May 16th. Please stop by the front office or student services to pick up an application.