Important News

PTSA Updates October 17

The PTSA would like to say THANK YOU to everyone who came out and helped with the Homecoming Pancake Breakfast. We'd also like to thank everyone who came out and participated. It was our first pancake breakfast and was a huge success and we look forward to making this a yearly tradition. We'd also like to share an opportunity to win a free Driver's Ed course through Elite Driving School:

Reunión en español / Meeting in Spanish

Les quiero recordar que este jueves, 20 de octubre, tenemos nuestra reunión, Camino a la Universidad. Esta es una reunión en español donde estaremos compartiendo información útil para el éxito académico durante los años de high school. Es muy importante que nos acompañe este día.

Tickets for Long Reach @Howard High Football October 21

If you are planning on attending the Long Reach - Howard Football game Friday night, the ticket sales and gates open at 5:30. The gates will close when sales reach 1500. If you want to get in the game, BE ONE OF THE FIRST 1500. Get there early to get your tickets. There will be no pre sales.

From the Desk of the Principal 10/14

Dear LRHS Community, Homecoming weekend is finally here! Our PTSA, Boosters, SGA, Music Department, staff and alumni have been hard at work to prepare for this weekend. A full list of activities can be found be clicking on this link.

LRHS PTSA Brick Sale!

Be a 'Forever' part of Long Reach High School: The PTSA is offering all current and alumni LRHS families and LRHS staff the opportunity to buy an engraved brick(s) for placement in the front of the school near the Main Entrance door. Please place orders by Tues, Nov 1, 2016. Bricks are being offered on a first-come first-served basis. Please complete the order form and drop off with payment to the Front office.

ARL: Pep Rally and PSAT

- 10/14: PM ARL students are able to attend tomorrow's Pep Rally, but ONLY with prior approval from your ARL teacher. Some ARL academies have to follow strict certification rules and it may not be possible for you to miss class. The PM ARL buses will run as normal. - 10/19: AM and PM ARL will run as normal on PSAT/12th grade College Visit Day. 9th, 10th and 11th grade AM ARL students will miss ARL and take the PSAT, but 12th grade students may attend in the morning. PM ARL students will attend as usual.

Taking the December SAT Test? Sign up for the Advanced SAT Test Prep Course

Taking the December SAT Test? Sign up for the Advanced SAT Test Prep Course: The next offering of the Advanced SAT Test Prep will begin Oct 18th. Classes are held every Tuesday and Thursday (except the week of Nov 21st) and runs through December 1st. To learn more and to register, go to:

HC Drug Free Advisory Council

HC DrugFree’s Teen Advisory Council is open to all Howard County high school students and community service hours are available. The next two meetings will be on Monday, October 10 and Monday, November 14 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at The Barn (Teen Center) in the Oakland Mills Village Center. Free pizza provided. Teens need to RSVP to

Career Academy Shadow Days

Sophomores wanting more information about the academies at the ARL have an opportunity to experience the classes first hand. Shadow Days are scheduled as follows: November 10: AM Programs – Construction Management, Biotechnology, PC Systems, Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Animation and Interactive Media, or Academy of Finance. November 10: PM Programs: Health Professions or Hotel and Restaurant Management. November 11: AM Programs: Computer Networking, Architectural Design, Automotive Technology, Systems and Project Engineering, Graphic Design. Freshman only may attend the Aerospace Engineering program on the morning of November 10th or the Early College Program in Cybersecurity on the morning of November 11th. Permission slips for all shadow experiences are available in Student Services. Deadline to sign up is October 21st.

Underclassmen portraits will take place 10/20 and 10/21

Underclassmen portraits will take place next Thursday and Friday (10/20 and 10/21). Please order picture packages online at with picture ID MJ016658Q0. We are looking for parent volunteers for picture day. Volunteers will receive a complementary photo package. Please contact Brooke Schneider at if you are interested in volunteering for a half day or full day.