Important News

Upcoming COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics

Wednesday, Feb. 9, 2022, 3-6 p.m. Long Reach High School, 6101 Old Dobbin Road, Columbia — in partnership with Soleil Pharmacy Pfizer (12+) first or second dose vaccine, or booster. Schedule an appointment and complete the online consent (Feb. 9)


Want to practice taking either the SAT or ACT to get a feel for what the tests are like? You’ll get a feel for the test and walk away with a detailed score report that analyzes your strengths and weaknesses and gives you an action plan for improvement. WHEN: Saturday, Feb 19, 2022, 9am – 1pm. WHERE: online. You will be sent a link once you register.

Message for Parents of Seniors Regarding Mid Year Reports

This year, as in year's past, all Howard County Public Schools will send mid-year reports to all colleges for which students have previously requested a transcript. This will be done by February 15 and will include Q1 and Q2 for full year courses and Q1, Q2, and a final grade for semester courses.

Yearbook Updates

Please check here for senior yearbook announcements concerning portraits, baby pictures, and more! Also, if you have questions about the yearbook or portraits, please check out our school's yearbook website!

Leadership U Class of 2022

 Is your student looking to build their confidence, strengthen their leadership and problem solving skills, and learn how to network?  Does your student want to make a difference in our Howard County community?  Consider joining the Leadership U Class of 2022!