AP 2022 Exam Registration Directions

Testing Dates: May 2nd – 13th    


Steps to Register and Pay for AP Exams 

  • Log into your AP Classroom account to make sure you have indicated to College Board you are taking the exam.  Students who are not registered for an exam they wish to take will need to contact Courtney Dzbynski. 
  • Either use the online payment system on LRHS.hcpss.org OR write a check for your total amount made payable to 'Long Reach HS'.  
  • If writing a check, please be sure to include the name of the student and the exams you are paying for. Checks should be mailed or dropped off at the front office with 'Attention to Courtney Dzbynski'. 

**Registration is complete once payment has been made.  


Exam Fees and Deadlines 

  • The exam fee is $96/exam ($15/exam for fee waiver eligible students) due by Mar. 13th 
  • A $40 (per exam) late fee must be added to exam orders for students who entered join codes after Nov. 15th


Fee Reduction 

Economic issues should not prevent a student from taking an AP exam.  College Board allows fee reductions for students with acute financial need.  Additionally, there are Howard County funds that provide assistance.  Students who are eligible for free or reduced-cost lunches (under the National School Lunch Act) qualify for fee reductions for each exam they take.  If you do not qualify for one of the College Board approved aides but are experiencing financial hardship, please contact Courtney Dzbynski or Richard Smart. 


Late Testing (May 17th – 20th

If you need to schedule an exam during the Late Testing interval, contact Mrs. Dzbynski as soon as possible.  The primary reason for Late Testing is for students who are taking two exams that are scheduled for the same session, for example French Language and Computer Science Principles.  There are additional approved circumstances under which Late Testing (with an alternative form of the exam) can be arranged.  Some of these circumstances require additional fees.  Since there are often conflicts with graduation events, seniors should consider their schedules very carefully before requesting Late Testing. 



Students who cancel their exam registration will receive a partial refund. There is a $40 fee per canceled exam. Refunds will be processed after May 27th. 


Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) are available to students with documented disabilities.  If you have a disability but have not yet documented it with College Board, please contact your school counselor in Student Services immediately. 


Courtney Dzbynski 

AP Coordinator 
