In-Person Learning Opportunities/Participation

Mon, 05/03/2021 - 9:04am

Dear LRHS Community, 

Now that the hybrid model is in full operation, we want to make you aware that there are limited spaces available in our building to allow additional students to participate in in-person learning. We want to invite as many students as possible to benefit from in-person participation as long as space allows. I am writing to explain the process our school will use to identify and invite individual students to come to school two or five days per week during the current school year. 

These two factors determine our ability to enable a student to participation in in-person learning at school for either two or five days weekly: 

  • Space must be sufficient to allow us to continue to comply with health and safety protocols and social distancing guidelines in classrooms, on buses, and in cafeterias and other eating spaces. 

  • Our ability to accommodate a student will vary by grade, classroom, and individual student schedule because sufficient capacity must be available for every class that a student participates in, as well as on the school bus and in the cafeteria. 

Our leadership team will continue to follow the process below to enable additional students to participate: 

  • Inviting students currently participating virtually who would benefit from a return to in-person instruction, as well as current A/B (2 days/week) group students who would benefit from five days of in-person instruction based on the eligibility criteria listed below.  

  • Review of parent/guardian requests for students to take part in in-person learning either two or five days per week.  

A student is considered eligible for 5-day (E group), in-person participation if they meet any of the following criteria:  

  • Receiving special education services 

  • Previously participated in a School-Based Learning Center 

  • Demonstrate a need for additional learning support based on their level of attendance, engagement, academic performance, social-emotional well-being, internet connectivity, or homelessness 

If you would like to request that your child be considered for in-person return for either two or five days per week for the current school year, please email your child’s administrator (with the subject line, “Request to return in-person”) as soon as possible, and no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, May 7, 2021.  

Kevin Dorsey | Assistant Principal, 9th, A-Le (not Reach Academy) | 

Richard Smart | Assistant Principal, 9th: Li-Z (and Reach Academy) | 

Malcolm Anderson | Assistant Principal, 10-12th, A-G | 

Arnetta Young | Assistant Principal, 10-12th, H-Pa |    

Jennifer Whiddon | Assistant Principal, 10-12, Pe-Z | 


Joshua R. Wasilewski