Important News

Junior Interview Day, Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Junior Interview Day will be held on Tuesday, March 31, 2020. This is a graduation requirement and an opportunity for Juniors to practice interviewing skills in preparation for future job and college interviews. The Student Services Office is recruiting volunteer interviewers for this event. Please contact Sheri Hawes in Student Services at or 410-313-7412 if you can assist with the interviews or for more information.

Student Services March Newsletter

This month's newsletter features: College and Career Night, Junior Interview Day, Scholarships for Seniors, Black College Expo and more!

LRHS Wrestling Fundraiser

Support the LRHS Wrestling Team's Modern Market fundraiser on Friday, Jan. 24th from 12 pm - 8 pm. Visit the Modern Market, on 6181 Old Dobbin Ln. in Columbia, and let the cashier know you are there to support the Long Reach High School Wrestling Team. Bring your, friends and family!

LRHS PTSA Main Event Fundraiser 2/4/2020

Long Reach High School PTSA sponsors a family fun event. Come join us for a family fun-filled event at Main Event Tuesday, Feb 4th 3pm-6pm (school closed) 20% of proceeds will go to help Long Reach After Prom Event. Drop off all receipts at the end of the night into the receipt drop off box at the bowl desk.

Yearbook Update

Senior portraits, quotes, and baby pictures for the yearbook are all due by March 1st

STEM Career Day 2019

LRHS Science National Honor Society (SNHS) is hosting our annual STEM Career Day on Thursday, February 6th, 2020!