STEM Career Day 2019

LRHS Science National Honor Society (SNHS) is hosting our annual STEM Career Day on Thursday, February 6th, 2020 between 7:30-10:15am. We are looking for speakers in STEM fields to give short presentations to students. If you or someone you know is interested, please fill out the Google form here:

Science National Honor Society's goal is to encourage participation in scientific thought, to advance the student’s knowledge of science, and to assist the community with its comprehension of science. The STEM Career Day is the largest event SNHS organizes in order to accomplish these goals and spread our passion for science. We hope that students who attend the STEM Career sessions leave with the understanding that there are many unique STEM fields and not just engineers, scientists, and doctors. If you can pass on the word about the STEM Career day to someone you know, you will help us get one step closer to our goal as Long Reach High School's Science National Honor Society.

Email with any questions.