November Parent Teacher Conferences

Tue, 11/10/2020 - 10:21am

Tips for Virtual Conferences on November 23-25


View Conference Schedule

1. Log in with parent/guardian credentials to HCPSS Connect

2. In the Navigation Panel, select More Options (Family File, Report Card, etc.).

3. Click the Conference Scheduling (View or Schedule ARL/DigEd) link.

4. Click the View My Conference Schedule link in the left panel.  A page displays listing all of the conferences for your child.

5. You can find the link to the meeting within the conference information

Join a Meeting:  To attend the Parent Teacher Conference, click on this Canvas link below and follow the instructions to Join a Meeting section.  This section describes how to join a meeting using a Google Meet Nickname/Code or a Google Meet link.

Please note: 

  • You will need to log in with your student’s credentials when you are entering the Google Meet for the conference.
  • Please be prompt, but NOT early!  If you come to the Google Meet while the teacher is still in another conference, you will be denied entry. 

Should you have technical difficulties, please email the teacher and  You can also receive help at Google Meet Code: LRHSFRONTOFFICE during conference times.  Login using your child's account.