ARL Shadow Days

Fri, 10/20/2017 - 3:01pm

Current 9th and 10th graders who have interest in any of the programs below can attend a field trip to see the programs in action on November 7-9. Interested students would enroll in the ARL programs for the 2018-2019 school year.

Permission slips are available now in Student Services and are due back this coming Tuesday, October 24th.

Current 9th graders can learn about these programs for next year:

Aerospace Engineering
Early College Program in Cybersecurity.

Current 10th graders can learn about these programs for next year:

Construction Management
Systems &  Project Engineering
Hotel & Restaurant Mgmt
Animation & Interactive Media 
Academy of Finance
Architectural Design
Automotive Technology
Health Professions         
Computer Networking 
Graphic Design
Homeland Security & Emergency Mgmt

Nov Shaddow Day Flyer