Important News

HCPSS Safe Schools Resolution

Safe School Zones Resolution: At the September 8 Board of Education meeting the Board of Education approved a resolution to support and protect the rights of all Howard County Public School System (HCPSS) students, regardless of immigration or citizenship status.

US 1 Safety Evaluation

The US 1 Safety Evaluation is a project to identify short-term actions to improve safety for people walking and bicycling along US 1. Safety for other transportation modes—motor vehicles and transit—is also being considered. The Evaluation will identify specific locations and segments for study and recommended improvements based on historical crash data, known areas with high pedestrian and bicycle activity, and input from government agencies and from the public.

PSAT Day for Grades 9-12, October 11, 2017

All 9th – 11th grade students will be participating in the administration of the PSAT on Wednesday, October 11. Seniors are encouraged to choose one of the following activities:

The Greater Baltimore Urban League: Saturday Leadership Program

Interested in learning more about college? Curious about careers? Do you want to help others succeed? Please join us! The Greater Baltimore Urban League offers a free program, the Saturday Leadership Program, bringing 100 students from Baltimore and Howard County to visit Baltimore colleges monthly on Saturdays from 8am-2:30pm.

Band Fundraiser, September 25

Support the Long Reach Band. Fundraiser at Tino's Italian Bistro on Centre Park Dr on Monday, September 25 from 11am-10pm. Lunch, dinner, dine-in, carry-out, delivery. No flyer necessary. The band gets 10% of the day's proceeds to help pay for the marching band competition.