Home Coming Message from the Student Government President

Get ready to go back in time to wear your pearls and do the Charleston! The Roaring 20's themed Homecoming Dance is October 7th from 7-10 pm at Long Reach High School. Tickets will be sold at lunch shifts (4th period) from October 2nd through October 6th in the atrium for $15.00. The last chance to purchase tickets will be October 6th during D lunch. No tickets will be sold after the deadline.
Homecoming game t-shirts will be sold at lunch shifts (4th period) from October 2nd through October 6th in the atrium. The cost to purchase will be $15. If you placed a pre-order for a shirt, $12 will be made payable at pickup at the same time and location. Let's show Howard what Lightning can do!
If you are interested in participating in an activity during the Pep Rally on October 6th, sign ups will be at lunch shifts (4th period) from October 2nd through October 6th in the atrium. When signing up for an activity, you will receive a wristband during 3rd period on October 6th that will allow you on the field during the Pep Rally activities. You will not be permitted out of the stands without the presentation of the wristband. 

Let's show that spirit Long Reach!
Ava Kelly
SGA President