Important News

Staff Back to School Breakfast and Health Room Donations:

Please help the PTSA welcome back the Long Reach staff by contributing to our annual Staff Back to School Breakfast. In addition to the staff breakfast, we are also asking for donations for the Health Room. The link to contribute is:

Important School Bus Transportation Update

On Monday, August 30, 2021, HCPSS schools will welcome approximately 58,000 students back into our school buildings amidst many challenges that linger while the pandemic continues. One such challenge is a significant shortage of bus drivers. In order to provide transportation services to all eligible students by using the existing buses and drivers available, many bus routes and bus stops will look different than what families have experienced in past years. Anyone interested in becoming a driver is encouraged to call the HCPSS Transportation Office at 410-313-6732 as soon as possible.

Spring Sports portraits from Lifetouch have arrived

Spring Sports portraits from Lifetouch have arrived. Please pick them up from the front office before school starts or wait until their students are in school and students can pick them up during the school day.

Schedules for 2021-2022 School Year

Students and families are now able to log in to Synergy and see a list of enrolled courses for the 2021-2022 School Year. (Navigate to, click on Synergy, log in, and see the menu to the left.)

Summer Meal Service

The Howard County Public School System announces its free summer food service program to meet the growing need to feed hungry children and families in Howard County and fill the nutritional gap over the summer months.

LRHS Underclassmen Awards

Congratulations for your hard work during the 2020/2021 School Year - we are so proud of you!

Marquee Makeover

Our goal is to upgrade the existing marquee that faces Old Dobbin Lane by installing a two-way digital sign and landscaping the surrounding area. To accomplish this goal, we will need to raise over $20,000.