The US 1 Safety Evaluation is a project to identify short-term actions to improve safety for people walking and bicycling along US 1. Safety for other transportation modes—motor vehicles and transit—is also being considered. The Evaluation will identify specific locations and segments for study and recommended improvements based on historical crash data, known areas with high pedestrian and bicycle activity, and input from government agencies and from the public.
Field visits will be made to these locations/segments to assess how current conditions contribute to existing hazards, and then develop short-term actions that can address hazards. Recommended actions may include engineering, enforcement, and education/awareness.
The Office of Transportation will host two all-day, drop-in, open houses to solicit public input about transportation safety in the US 1 Corridor between Elkridge and North Laurel for this effort.
The open house details are:
Monday, September 25
8:30AM to 5:00PM
UMUC Dorsey Station Center, Room 2130
6865 Deerpath Road, Elkridge
Tuesday, October 3
8:30AM to 4:30PM
The Howard County MultiService Center, Suite I
9900 Washington Blvd, Laurel
A flier about the open houses is located here: Please feel free to distribute it via your regular communication channels. Those unable to attend the open houses who have questions or would like to provide comments should contact Chris Eatough, the County’s bicycle and pedestrian coordinator, at (410) 313-0567 or at