HC Drug Free: Senior Week


Dear Parents of Howard County High School Seniors,

Please don’t miss HC DrugFree's Senior Week: Staying Safe in Ocean City; this annual program focuses on keeping our high school seniors safe during Beach Week.

This event is back by popular demand on Wednesdays, March 22 at Atholton High School and March 29 at Howard High School, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Parents (and grandparents!) and high school seniors are encouraged to attend. Ocean City Police and Beach Patrol will provide safety tips about water, beach, drugs/alcohol, crossing the busy highway, and much more.

In 2016, we had 450 high school seniors, parents (and grandparents) in attendance. Many parents return year after year as their children become seniors. 
The information is invaluable to prevent: arrests and loss of scholarships due to poor decisions such as drinking, drug use, fighting or other crimes; injury from diving into shallow ocean water; and the danger of jaywalking on Coastal Highway, to name a few concerns.

For more information, contact HC DrugFree at 443-325-0040, Admin@hcdrugfree.org, or visit www.hcdrugfree.org. These events are presented in partnership with Atholton High School PTSA and Howard High School administration.

Hope to see you there!

HC DrugFree Staff 

5305 Village Center Drive, Suite 206 
Wilde Lake Village Center 
Columbia, MD 21044 