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From the Cafeteria
- Don't forget: We serve breakfast from 7:00-7:30 everyday we have school including days with early dismissal or late opening.
- For more information about food services, including menus, nutrition and paying for meals:
- If your family qualifies for the Free and Reduced Meal program, you must re-apply each year. The online application can be found at Students receiving Free and Reduced Meals qualify for two meals per day as well as free SAT and ACT applications, free college applications, free NCAA Clearinghouse applications, and reduced summer school tuition. Long Reach encourages all eligible families to apply! 2016-2017 Free/Reduced Application need to be turned in and approved before October 12, 2016. If a new application has not been approved by October 12, 2016 the student lunch will cost will $3.25.