From the Desk of the Principal 9/19

Dear LRHS Community,

I would first like to congratulate both our Varsity Football and Boys Soccer teams for earning victories this past weekend. Way to go Lightaning!  As you know, our athletic, music, and fine arts programs are very important parts of Long Reach High School.  Currently, our LRHS Booster organization is in need of volunteers to work concessions at a number of upcoming events.  I will be volunteering for several events and I hope that you will consider joining me.  Please click here to sign up!

This past Friday, I had the opportunity to attend a field trip to the Chesapeake Bay with students enrolled in our Marine Biology class.  Hosted by Chesapeake Bay Foundation, students were able to see the first hand effects of erosion, collect biotic/abiotic samples, and observe the many different species that inhabit the Bay.  I would like to thank to Mrs. Duff, Science Instructional Team Leader, for organizing this authentic learning experience for our students. 

On a separate note, I am pleased to announce that LRHS will be having an Activity Bus each Wednesday through December. The stop locations and other important information can be found on our website.

#LRHS Pride Highlights:


Joshua R. Wasilewski
