From the Desk of the Principal, September 2, 2016

Dear LRHS,
Yesterday, students and staff voted to select our first official LRHS Logo.  During Back to School Night, I was honored to introduce the logo that was selected.  You can see the new logo on our website. The next step will be for the image to be finalized.  Once the finishing touches have occurred, we will begin to use our new logo!
I would like to take a moment to thank the PTSA and Boosters organizations for being a part of Back to School Night.  These organizations are vital to the continued success of LRHS.  If you have not done so already, please consider supporting Boosters, Music Boosters, and PTSA organizations
Lastly, special thanks goes to our Lightning Leaders led by Mrs. Ebersole for their help last night. 

With the goal of meeting each of our students, I have spent some time visiting classes throughout this week.  Speaking with students and listening to their perspectives has been a highlight this week.  I am definitely looking forward to spending more time in classes upon our return from Labor Day.   

I'd like to congratulate our golf, volleyball, and soccer teams for the great performances this past week.  Please join me in wishing our football program the best of luck as they go up against Mt. Hebron.  Our varsity team plays this afternoon at 4:00 p.m. We hope to see you there.  Go Lightning!!!!!!


Josh Wasilewski

Joshua R. Wasilewski
Long Reach High School
Howard County Public School System