Student and Family Scheduling Night January 5

Our annual Student and Family Scheduling Night for rising 9th-12th graders will be on January 5, from 6:30-8:30pm.  We will have information about how to register for classes, Career Academies, Elective Courses, Apprenticeships, Dual Enrollment, and more.  All students and families are invited, including those who will be attending High School #13 next year.

Here is the evening's agenda:

6:30-7:00-  Welcome from the Principal and General Scheduling Information Presentation

7:10-7:25- Breakout Session 1

7:30-7:45- Breakout Session 2

7:50-8:05- Breakout Session 3

Breakout Session Presentations:

Jump Start - B115

Academies/Apprenticeships- B125

GT Intern/Mentor- B116

Spanish Lang Q&A- Media Center

Electives Fair- Atrium

New Student Q&A - Auditorium

General Q&A - Cafeteria

8:05-8:30- Staff members available for questions/Electives Fair

Flyer for Scheduling Night