Long Reach Homecoming is this week! We are about halfway through our Spirit Week:
Monday- PJ Day
Tuesday- Twin Day
Wednesday- Character Day
Thursday- Decades Day
Friday- School/Class Colors Day (9th grade- White, 10th grade- Silver/Gray, 11th grade- Black, 12th grade- Purple)
Friday- Pep Rally (period 5 and 6 in the stadium)- PM ARL students can request to stay back from ARL but must pre-arrange
Saturday- Parade through the neighborhood (9:00am); Varsity Football Game (1:00 kickoff); Dance (7:00-10:00pm in the gym)
Football Game Tickets are only sold online. Visit this website to purchase in advance. The game could sell out, so buy your tickets early.
Dance Tickets are now available during all lunches ONLY. Online sales have closed. NO TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT THE DOOR. Other important information regarding the Homecoming Dance:
- Any students looking to purchase tickets will need $15 cash or check made out to the school. There is a limit to the number of tickets to be sold, so don't wait until the last minute.
- If you paid for a homecoming ticket online and haven't picked up your ticket yet, you need to come to the concession area outside the gymnasium during your lunch to pick it up.
- No one will be admitted into the dance without a physical ticket and their ID (students without a drivers' license can pull Synergy up on their phones to show their photo and schedule to the door staff.) ALL DANCE ATTENDEES NEED A PHYSICAL TICKET FOR ENTRY.
- Tickets are NON-TRANSFERABLE- no one can trade or re-sell a ticket. They are numbered and the ticket number will be matched with the purchaser's name and photo id.
- All HCPSS rules and policies will be in effect at all Homecoming events. Per HCPSS policy, the doors will close ONE HOUR AFTER THE START TIME. This means doors close at 8:00pm.
- Only students who have a pre-approved guest may purchase a ticket for their guest, and only the pre-approved guest may use the guest ticket.
- The dance ends at 10:00pm. Parents/rides should be at the school at 10:00pm to pick students up. Do not wait for a phone call to come to the school.
And, as a reminder, Family File must be updated, and all obligations cleared before a ticket can be purchased.
We could still use a few more parent chaperones for the dance (you don't have to go inside the actual dance-- you can help with refreshments and supervision outside the gym). If interested, fill in this form to let us know!