See below for Chipotle Fundraiser Flyer
- Welcome and Overview - Flood
- Mr. Wasilewski – Encouraged students to get involved and listen to all information given to them.
- Meet your Class Council – We have 35 active Class Council members. They are a great group and are well organized.
- Committees – if you are interested in the planning of any of these things – Homecoming, Prom, Fundraising/ Communication, Ring Ceremony/ Moving Up Fun Day – Everyone on the Class Council are part of a committee. These are the current committees.
- Homecoming – Class T shirts, spirit stuff, float – This Committee went over the sale of the Class T shirts, these were designed by one of our Juniors. Orders for the T shirts are coming. Pre-ordered shirts will be a little cheaper than the ones we will sell during lunches, our class will be selling spirit stuff for use at the Pep Rally and Game – these will be small cheap items such as beads, face paint, temporary tattoos, etc., Once we get info on the parade – we will talk about creating a float (anyone can take part in this.
- Fundraiser/ Communication – Our first fundraiser, fundraiser coming up, what they are for – Our first fundraiser for this year will be at Chipotle on Tuesday, September 24 from 4 – 8pm. You must bring a flyer with you – online orders will not count. Flyers in English and Spanish are in the front office or see Mrs. Flood or Mrs. Davenport. Please support the Class of 2021. There will be several other fundraisers throughout the year. We also have a Twitter account and Instagram that the Class Council have created.
- Ring Ceremony/ Moving Up Fun Day – Once we get the list of students that have ordered rings, we will plan our Ring Ceremony. The Moving Up Fun Day is something that is in the works. Mrs. Flood and Mrs. Davenport came up with this. It will be at the end of the school year after the seniors have left. A day just for the Juniors. More to come on this.
- Prom – Prom will be on May 1 (yes that’s a Friday) at the BWI Marriott. Students are expected to be in school for at least half a day. We have a theme, “Secret Garden” still in the works. All fundraising will be going towards the prom at this time to help keep the cost down. Mrs. Flood has learned that proms are way more expensive than she thought!
- Recap – Fundraising (Chipotle must have flyer for us to get money – 9/24), Homecoming, Communication, Fun Day – Flood – Mrs. Flood reiterated the importance of each of these things and reminded students to send in pictures for our Senior slide show. Pictures should be of anything school oriented from 9th grade through 12th grade.
- Recap – Prom – Davenport
- Final - Wasilewski
** The Class of 2021 will have a bulletin board in the atrium up soon with information about upcoming events and fundraisers. We will also have a showcase in the small hall leading out of the atrium with items that we are selling and pictures.
**We were done a little early (about 10 minutes). This gave the students an opportunity to speak with us and ask questions. We gained 10 new members to our Class Council (now we are at 45) and many students wanted to know how they can get involved if they are not able to get to the meetings! What a great Class. Class of 2021!!!!!