Advanced Placement Exam Registration 2019/2020


Dear Parents and Students,

The Registration Period for the 2020 Advanced Placement (AP) Exams, which will be administered at the beginning of May 2020, will close March 13, 2020.  If you wish to register for an exam OR wish to cancel registration for an exam, you must contact our AP Coordinator, Ms. Gilmer ( no later than March 9, 2020. 


Beginning this year, AP registration is a two-step process that takes place beginning October 1st.  At this point, students should have returned their College Board (CB) Portal Enrollment forms to their teachers.  If they have not registered to use the Portal, they can’t sign up to take AP exams.

The deadline for registering for AP Exams is November 1, 2019.  Any registrations after November 1 will need to be approved by the coordinator and administration.

First step is for your student to use the CB Portal to select the exam(s) he/she wishes to take in May.  Second step is to use Naviance to complete the process for the school and submit payment.  Both steps must be completed by November 1st to be registered. Students will be receiving a handout detailing the entire registration process in the next week.

Exams are held primarily at Long Reach High School with the exception of some smaller exams that may be combined with other schools.  Students are not expected to attend school on the day they take an exam.  You will sign a form in Naviance that allows your student to be excused for a school-based activity.  Students are expected to arrive 30 minutes before the exam begins. 


The cost is $94/exam.  Payment must be made at the time of registration (see registration instructions below).  Fee waivers are available for students who qualify under a variety of programs. 

After students select their exams in the Portal and submit the online Naviance registration, they are asked to submit a printed copy of the Naviance form along with proof of payment (check, or print-out of online credit card payment) to Ms. Jaksec in the Main Office.


Student Registration                

Exam ordered by Nov 1                                 





Late Registration

Ordered between Nov 16 – Mar 13

$94+$40 fee          




Unused/ Canceled exam

Exam that is canceled  or not taken by the student

$40 fee

Self Study/Digital Ed Students:

Students who are self-study or in digital ed courses must follow the same deadlines but need to contact Ms. Brown to acquire the join code for registration.

Registration Process:

NOTE:  A PowerPoint linked to your teacher’s Canvas page has screenshots of each step of the registration process. 

Steps to complete registration in both the CB Portal and Naviance for the 2020 AP Exams:

  1. If you submitted your portal permission form to use the CB portal, log into the Portal using your account
  2. Your teachers provided you with a unique join code for each AP class in which you are enrolled.  If you haven’t done so already, enroll in the course. You should see a button on the course page that says, “Register for Exam.”  Click that button to register and confirm your decision on the pop up window.  You will need to do this for each exam you wish to take.
  3. Sign-in to Naviance (linked through; REGISTRATION opens on October 1st.
  4. Click on the “About Me” tab near the top of the homepage.
  5. Choose “My Surveys” and then either “Surveys Not Started” or “Surveys in Progress.”  Select the “2020 AP Exam Registration/Fee Waiver Request” survey.
  6. Complete the registration survey (refer to PP presentation on your teacher’s Canvas page for details).
  7. Click Save and Finish.
  8. Follow the instructions to print your registration.

To complete the AP Exam Registration Process:

Bring the printed form with a parent/guardian signature with your online payment receipt, a check or money order made out to Long Reach High School to Ms. Jaksec in the main office by November 1st.  Please staple payment/receipt to registration form.

NOTE:  You may pay your registration fees online here:


Contact AP Coordinator:  Courtney Gilmer,, Richard Smart,, or 410-313-7117