MISA Assessment Information

Students who participated in the grade 8 Maryland Integrated Science Assessment (MISA) last school year are receiving home reports starting on 12/17/18. MISA is Maryland’s new Next Generation Science Standards(NGSS) aligned assessment. MISA replaced the MSA Science test in all Maryland schools and was phased in beginning in 2017. Results are being reported late due to the process of setting performance levels. Students participate in the MISA in grades 5, 8 and 11. More information on the MISA can be found at: http://mdk12.msde.maryland.gov/assessments/k_8/index.html

If you have any additional questions about MISA assessments or results please contact Malcolm Anderson, Long Reach Assistant Principal responsible for Testing at 410-313-7117 or email at malcolm_anderson@hcpss.org.