Save the Date! October 10!
All 9-11th grade students will take the PSAT at LRHS on October 10.
Seniors are strongly encouraged to use this day for college visits and working on college applications and essays.
If your student is taking the PSAT exam, please encourage them to get a good night’s sleep and eat breakfast in the morning.
If your senior is planning to use the day for a college visit, please contact the college now to schedule a tour.
Student Services is hosting a field trip to attend the Howard Community College Open House that morning. Permission slips are available in Student Services.
PSAT Student Questionnaire On October 10th, your child will be completing a student data questionnaire that is part of the Preliminary SAT (PSAT) assessment. The questionnaire consists of basic information for reporting scores (name, student id, school, sex and birth date) and a set of optional personal questions. A full list of questions and how the information is used can be found at:
- PSAT 8/9 (Grade 9): Student Answer Sheet Instructions Fill in the appropriate bubble to opt in to or out of educational opportunities. Eligible educational access programs can inform you of certain opportunities, such as extracurricular activities,
- PSAT/NMSQT (Grade 10/11): Student Answer Sheet Instructions This guide will help you fill out your PSAT/NMSQT answer sheet. Be sure to record your answers to the questions on the answer sheet. Answers that are marked in this booklet will not
Advise your child to leave all optional questions blank and select “No” for Item 14 on PSAT 8/9 or Item 15 on PSAT/NMSQT.
-OR- - Email the LRHS PSAT Coordinator Malcolm Anderson, or Thereasa Haney, and indicate that you would like to opt your student out of the questionnaire data sharing.