You will receive your student’s list of courses for the 2018-2019 school year through email the evening of August 17. The email will include the courses and credits in which your student is enrolled, the name of their counselor, and their Homeroom – this is the room to which they will report on September 4.
The email will also include directions to access your student’s Graduation Requirements Checklist online.
Student schedules (teachers and periods included) will be available for your online access starting September 2. Students will also receive a printed copy of their schedule during Homeroom/Period 1 class on September 4.
Class changes may only be made for the following reasons:
* Student is not scheduled for 7 credits
* Student passed a class in Summer School
* Student was placed in the incorrect level (Honors, GT, AP)
* Student is a senior who needs an unscheduled class to graduate
LRHS Counselor Caseloads 2018-2019:
ast Name Counselor
A – Ch Jen Sheppard
Ci - G Sheri Hawes
H – Le Kevin Siliko
Li – Pa Liz Dolan
Pe – Sr Maggie Jones
St – Z Brett Moore
Please update your Family File information today so you receive this email and important information all year!