As the school year approaches, we wanted to share some important information relatedbuilding hours and getting to and from school. Please take a moment to review the information below:
Building Hours for Students
7:00 am to 2:15 p.m. - For security reasons, students will not have access to the building until 7:00 am. Following dismissal, only students participating in school-sponsored events will be permitted to remain in the building.
Parking Lot and Pedestrian Safety
Driving to LRHS - Please review the traffic pattern by clicking here. Drivers are reminded to obey all traffic laws and to be aware of their surroundings. Parents are to Drop off/Pick up students using the loop located towards the front of the main parking lot (see the traffic pattern).
Student Drivers - Permission for students to drive and park vehicles on school system property is a privilege, not a right. In order to be granted this privilege, students must obtain a student-parking permit each school year, which requires students and parents/guardians to annually attend a Safe Driving Presentation and to pay a $15 fee for the parking permit.
Students Walking to LRHS - Parents, please remind your students to use the sidewalk and marked crosswalks when walking to and from school.
Bus Transportation - Please click here to locate to find your child's bus stop. Additional safety information can be found by clicking here.