11th Grade Students Reminders and Information for Ma

Here’s what’s happening for Juniors in May:
The LAST SAT for the school year is June 3rd! All Juniors are encouraged to register for the June exam if they have not already taken an SAT this year. The registration deadline is this Tuesday, May 9th!!
Starting next week, Juniors will meet with Student Services to discuss post-high school plans and the college application process. This lesson is important as it will:

Help students choose and narrow down their plan after graduation, which could include 4-year schools, 2-year schools, military, trade schools, or apprenticeship programs
Students will receive a planning folder they will use from now until Senior year. The folder contains important documents students will need to apply to college and planning materials!
Counselors will review with students where they are at in the process of applying to college and review next steps with them.

This lesson will help launch Juniors into summer and Senior year planning! We are very excited for this journey!
*You will receive an email before the end of the year that indicates final tasks Juniors need to complete before returning next year.
~LRHS Counselors