January Updates for Juniors

11th Grade Students: Reminders and Information for January

Happy New Year! Now is the time Juniors will be focused on completing tasks this Spring for graduation and college/career readiness! Here’s what Juniors need to be thinking about for January!

There will be a PSAT Information Night on January 31, 2017 at 7:00pm at Long Reach High School. Parents and students are invited to attend and encouraged to bring their score reports with them. Come and find out what your child’s PSAT score means!

ALL Juniors need to take an SAT or ACT exam this Spring and register now!  

SAT Registration Deadline:   February 10, 2017 (for the March 11th exam)- www.collegeboard.org

ACT Registration Deadline:   January 20th (late registration date, fee applies)-for Febuary 11th exam March 3, 2017 (for the April 8th exam)- www.act.org

**Fee Waivers for those who qualify are available in Student Services**
***See the Junior Packet for dates, deadlines, planning timeline, and prep options***

Khan Academy program for SAT prep. Khan Academy provides test prep to students tailored to their specific areas of weakness and strength according to their PSAT results. Students can access this program from Naviance or Collegeboard.org! Students should be using this service NOW to study for the SAT.

Students received their Course Registration Forms today to choose classes for next year. Please review and sign the form with your child! Forms are due back to their English teacher on Monday, Jan 23rd!!

When choosing classes for their Senior Year, students should think about:

Keeping the same or increasing course rigor in their schedule (consider honors and AP classes)-Senior year is NOT a year to take it easy. Course rigor is one of the top things colleges look at!

Take courses that apply to a career they may want to do or a major they might want to study! High School electives are a great way to “try out” a subject area before entering college where students will need to pay for courses. The course catalog is available online to view course options, as well as the elective sheet attached to their registration form.

Students will need to take any course that may be missing for graduation requirements. Your child’s counselor will meet individually with your student during the day starting on January 30th. At that time, counselors will review your student’s transcript and ensure they have all the classes and requirements they need for graduation.

Please contact your child’s counselor with any questions you might have at 410-313-7412 or send them an email directly.

~LRHS Counselors