Graduation Corner – January 10, 2017

Class of 2017: This year, as in the past, all Howard County public schools will send mid-year reports to all colleges for which students have previously requested a transcript. This will be done on February 17 and will include 1st quarter, 2nd quarter, and mid-term exam grades. Families can view the list of colleges receiving mid-year reports by clicking on the "Colleges I'm applying to" link in Naviance. If a student has changed the list of colleges to which they are applying, he/she should contact their counselor to make sure that all documents required are submitted.

Information from the third Senior Class meeting during 3rd period. The following items were discussed:

  • Cap and Gown orders must be done before Jan. 20. After Jan. 20 they will go up $10.00.
  • The representative from Herff Jones will be here on Jan. 18 during all lunch shifts to take all last minute orders and answer any questions.
  • Mrs. Schneider spoke about yearbook items. If you are having your senior portraits taken outside of school, 2 photos must be emailed to Mrs. Schneider by Jan. 16, 2017. Be sure to select 2 poses. These must be finalized by Jan. 16. Submit your senior quote by March 1. Purchase your senior recognition ad today. Go to to purchase and create ad. Yearbooks are on sale now for $75.00. Go to to purchase one.
  • Mrs. Jones from Student Services went over FAFSFA and Scholarship deadlines. Howard Community College’s freshman focus deadline is 3/15. An admissions rep from HCC will come to LRHS to help you apply on 2/7 and 3/8. Talk to your councelor if you would like to join them.
  • There is a big bell in Student Services. Seniors should ring the bell when you get into a college!
  • Mr. Novotny  - the senior class advisor went over – the senior dues ($65.00 will go up after Feb 1) and applying to speak at graduation.