LRHS Student Parking Procedures 2016

According to HCPSS Policy, all students who drive to school and park on school system property must complete the following:

1.  Attend a Driver Safety Presentation PRIOR to school and parking on system property.  All drivers must attend ANNUALLY, with a parent or guardian.  Any student who attended prior to August 16, 2016 must  attend the course again.  Dates, times and locations of Driver Safety Presentations  can be downloaded here. 

2. Purchase a parking permit ($15).  Students must show their Driver's License, Registration and Proof of Insurance when they purchase the permit in gthe main office.  Permits are available for purchase August 23-26 and after September 1.  Permits will be sold from 7:30 am until 12 noon only. No permits will be sold the first three days of school.